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MTSS continues to be ongoing.  We have moved our first students through the Problem Solving process and we took our first student through the entire process this past week.  I believe that the process has been streamlined and that feeling has been confirmed and substantiated by the MTSS Team, which consists of the school psychologist, social worker, ESE specialist, and coaches and individual teachers.  The program that is working is one whereby the teachers are coached prior to their sitting in on MTSS by the instructional coach and or me, the Administrative Intern.

I asked the Behavioral Specialist to sit down with me to create a checklist and procedure for putting the students through MTSS.  I am attaching the documents that will be used to guide the process for the teachers.

This is the checklist that we created to walk the teacher through the process. (Red Folder)

MTSS Checklist

__________1.  Notify Amy Cosens of student concern.

__________2.  Amy will provide a MTSS Referral form.  Please complete as soon as possible and return to Amy to initiate the Problem Solving process.

__________3.  Amy will provide you with a MTSS Red Folder that includes a Tier Two Intervention letter.  Please send this letter home with the student and mail a copy of the letter if they have not already received one.

__________4.  Complete pg. 28 of the PS/RtI Planning Form (It has a hand-written 28 at the bottom of the page.)

__________5.  Notify parent of your concerns and document the parent communication on the Parent Communication form.  You may do this over the phone, face to face or with a Tier Two letter.  Please ensure that each time you speak with the parent you document the communication on this form.  This is proof that you are involving the parent.

__________6.  You will be notified when you have been placed on the schedule for MTSS.

                                    Be prepared to answer the following questions:
1.     What is the problem?
2.     Why is it occurring? (This is only a hypothesis.)
3.     What trends or outliers have you identified?  
4.     What data do you have to support this?
a.      Consult with Coaches, Brandy or Amy if you need assistance answering or brainstorming these questions.
5.     Bring individual student and class-wide data to the meeting:  CUM, FAIR data, Spelling Inventory, DRA, ORF, Math Unit Assessments. Ensure the Progress Monitoring data is updated. If the information is already on the shared drive, then that is acceptable.

__________7.  Continue to collect data weekly and provide Intervention.  Data collected should be specific to the area of concern and sent home.  Please do not include other students’ names on any graphs that go home. You may simply blacken out the names.  The PS Team will guide you through this process.  A Problem Solving worksheet will be completed with your input considering the questions listed above.  A plan of action will be initiated.  This plan will start with Vision/Hearing Screenings to be scheduled.  Then additional testing may be suggested if needed. 
                                    **Brandy will come in to the Intervention to complete a Fidelity Checklist on the intervention.

__________8.  A Meeting will be scheduled to bring parents in to discuss data and obtain consent and then review procedural safeguards prior to moving forward with evaluations. 

__________9.  Upon completion of evaluations and ongoing implementation of Interventions, a final meeting will be held to review the information with the parent and discuss staffing/placement or accommodations.
