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SCARY post ... I asked for FEEDBACK ... This is what I got ... I am not paraphrasing ... Keeping it REAL and RAW

Here is the question I posed ...

Part of my project has been to support the foundation of MTSS. I am logging the progress and would be interested in your feedback.  Think of last year compared to this year.  Please reflect on anything that has improved, diminished, or stayed the same and if you have any further concerns or suggestions that you would like to see with the future of RGE MTSS. 

The feedback is in ...

My mentor, Ann ...writes:

The MTSS and PBS process has improved tremendously since last year. 
 There is a process that is consistent and understood by all.  The meeting dates, times, and coverage has been scheduled throughout the year.  The stress level for teacher involvement has decreased and their knowledge about the process, including knowing how to talk about student interventions verses programs has also improved.  Specific areas have been identified for growth in the coming year, but the areas of growth are tweaks to process that is working.  As we began this year, MTSS was my main concern.  A lot of time was spent developing the structure, getting buy-in, and implementation.  You did a great job being involved in every part of the process and then implementing the vision.  As the year went on, you continued to take ownership and made adjustments during implementation.  Your input in the process, including attending meetings, following-up with next steps, and taking the initiative, are all part of what has given us a model to replicate in future years and data to make adjustments. 

My School Psychologist writes:
Improvements in MTSS include: follow up on the interventions that have been recommended. Although last year we had several problem solving sessions on students few of them were followed up on to determine if the intervention worked. The problem solving process is quicker and smoother. Having Amy type up parts of the worksheet, such as gap beforehand expedites the process. The reading coach attends most meetings and can explain what the Tier 2 intervention is and why students were placed into that group. She also helps develop Tier 3 intervention; it seems that unknowingly the team is moving to a standard protocol approach which I prefer. Now if we would formalize that approach by keeping track of which interventions are used in each grade level for specific deficits and track the outcome we would have great data! Involvement of administration on a regular basis has improved this year. In the beginning it got off to a variable start with administrators leaving the meeting frequently whenever their walkie went off. This has greatly improved, without an administrator present the fidelity of the PST process and accountability of team members is poorer. Some of the teachers seem better prepared and appear to be able to talk about their student’s progress. The documentation is more organized, although I didn’t realize how disorganized the documentation was last year until the new school year began and we couldn’t find anything. The AP and PST coordinator are good at gathering data needed (although I think the teachers should be taking more responsibility) and when it is a task they are assigned follow through to gather more information, make contacts or schedule meetings.

Improvements needed:
I liked last year’s format better where we met with grade level teams at MTSS quarterly and went over their data with them. I think it really helps them learn to look for trends and helps the team problem solve on a broader level rather than with individual students. The teachers still are over-reliant on the reading coach to identify the interventions they are currently using and to problem solve for more intensive interventions.  I feel they need to improve their knowledge and of research based interventions, take more ownership and begin to use a problem solving approach. If done consistently this framework would help support the school’s efforts to bring in the common core where analytical thinking is crucial.  My other criticism is how slow it was getting the supplemental and intensive interventions into place. We had meetings last year to identify the needs and interventions for groups and individuals and rather than beginning these interventions immediately we repeated the entire process of identifying who needs what. That should be ready to go when the school year begins with the exception of new students. Another concern is that we aren’t looking at groups of students who aren’t making progress, such as ESE and problem solving. The ESE teacher ideally should be meeting with us at least quarterly to address the progress of her students and be a part of the team at least four times a year.

My response to this suggestion...  we have monthly CORE meetings where this is addressed with the SBLT (School-Based Leadership Team.)  The school psychologist and other members of the MTSS process have been invited to attend these meetings but have not done so.  The recommendations suggested above are being done just not in the context of this team/MTSS format.  Ann's goal was to streamline efficiency of the MTSs process in moving children and teachers through the process to align instructional strategies to student need.  By removing this responsibility from the MTSS team, we are able to move more efficiently and effectively.  Grade level CORE data has been reviewed with the MTSS team quarterly.   

My Literacy Coach and member of the SBLT writes:
  • Structures, standard protocols, communication are definitely better this year.  I attribute that to you and Amy.  Thank you! 
  • The only thought that comes to mind for the future might be an initial training for staff that includes not only info, but maybe a simulated meeting with "real" data.  This would give teachers a genuine feel for the process as it relates to their role.  Also, when I make the time to go over the PS worksheet with teachers beforehand, I've noticed that it makes a big difference in thier comfort level and the flow of the meeting.  As I'm reflecting, that's something I need to ensure happens consistently.  Thanks for all you've done with the process this year - believe me, its made a difference.
