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Post MTSS Meeting Feedback from Psychologist

It was music to my ears ... Do you know how receiving positive feedback from some individuals feels as though you just struck gold?  Well, that's been my experience today.  The structure of the MTSS framework was one of concern last year.  But this year, as we progress ... things are going really well.  The psychologist is one with high expectations for procedure and compliance and accountability. The psychologist made the following observations today and announced her sentiments aloud to the team.

Background:  We have a student that we are working at length to support.  We have exhausted all resources and supports available to wrap around this child and this family.

Her comments to our MTSS team (and I paraphrase):  

It is very clear that the team is supporting this student and the family to the best of our ability and beyond.  The data being provided is substantive.  The Behavioral Intervention Plan is being followed to fidelity and appropriate Positive Behavior Supports are in place with interventions that align to behavioral need.  She expressed that she would like to bring other MTSS teams to our school to watch the process unfold so that they could see an effective MTSS structure from start to finish ...

This comment makes me feel very validated.  We are seeing the benefits of our time and efforts and ultimately, the goal is to provide a system of support for the students and it is evident that this is the direction we are continuing towards.  We will continue to put systems in place to support the students and teachers in assigning instructional practices and strategies to the students' needs both academically and behaviorally.
