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MTSS Meeting Structure

Oneco Elementary (Grades K-5)
                                                            Updated 2017

Oneco Elementary- 2016-2017
Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) Meeting Format

School-Wide Data

Purpose: Looking at school wide data to target appropriate 20% and properly align supports.

·       Instructional Coaches
·       Administration
·       Psychologist
·       Social Worker
·       ESE Resource Teacher/MTSS Chair

Meetings:  Monthly
1st Tuesday of each month

To Do:
·       Review school wide data to identify school-wide need.

  • RR monthly (Reilly & Bradley)
  • iReady 3 formal AP’s (Mandel)
  • Benchmark Data (Reading and Math) Quarterly (Vandergraff)
  • Monthly Acaletics (Tackett)
  • DRA’s (Reilly & Bradley)

Student Data

Purpose: Looking at individual students. Aligning students in the lowest 20% with resources.

·       Administration
·       Guidance
·       Social Worker
·       Teachers
·       School Psychologist
·       SLP
·       ESE Resource Teacher/MTSS Chair
·       Parents

Meetings:  2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.

To Do:
·       Review students who are in need of supplemental services.
·       Red Folder review
·       Review progress through MTSS process.
·       Review fidelity of services.

·       Teacher brings data that aligns with student area of concern.

Attendance & Discipline

Purpose: Looking at Discipline Data and Attendance Data and individual students.  Reviewing and modifying FBA/BIP’s as needed.

·       Psychologist
·       Social Worker
·       SLP
·       Administration
·       Student Support Specialist
·       Guidance Counselor
·       Attendance Monitor
·       ESE Resource Teacher/MTSS Chair
·       Parents (as invited)

Meetings:  3rd Tuesday of each month.

To Do:
·       Review ODR’s
·       Review Attendance
·       Review/modify/write FBA’s/BIP’s

·       Attendance (Attendance Monitor)
·       Discipline (ODR’s)
