Oneco Elementary (Grades K-5) Updated 2017 Oneco Elementary- 2016-2017 Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) Meeting Format School-Wide Data Purpose: Looking at school wide data to target appropriate 20% and properly align supports. WHO: · Instructional Coaches · Administration · Psychologist · Social Worker · ESE Reso...
I can't believe I am sitting here with only 7 days left as an Administrative Intern. The MTSS structures that are in place are probably what I am most proud of. A system was in place for the MTSS process, but the district had large representation in the process at Rogers Garden Elementary. My administrator made it very clear that this was a system that she wanted the school to regain ownership of. The idea of collaboration with district representation was one that should be honored, but owning the process, the students, the data, building capacity with the teachers, were all components of the MTSS structure that Ms. Ann Broomes, principal at Rogers Garden Elementary wanted to see in place. Through collaboration with Amy, the school-based behavioral Specialists/MTSS Chair, we got to work. The journey was some days frustrating trying to find answers and be turned in circles for answers. Attempting to locate pieces of information and ensure that we wer...